
Hello! My Name is Mihai Herman and Here’s What I Want To Inspire Through Male Extravaganza

I am a Power Engineer that choose to become a full-time blogger and web entrepreneur in September 2014, a few months after graduating. I love everything beautiful, I love to run & bike, I meditate and I also enjoy a good joke.

Going through a depression (panic attacks included) for more than 12 months, forced me to completely change my lifestyle and habits and pushed me to a sense of happiness like never before.

This blog stands for change and I am here to give you all the tools (that I know of and used) to help you become a better man.

Happily married to the business manifesting queen, Roswitha Herman.

Mihai Herman - Male Extravaganza
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5 Bags Every Gentleman Should Own (Bonus: 3 Accessories)

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Whether you are a man or a woman, a bag is something that is a must-have if you leave your house daily. A bag is something you keep your everyday necessities in, like books, keys, phone, laptop, and various other things that can come in handy throughout the day.

Top 6 Watches to Wear This Summer

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A watch is not only a device that helps us see time, it is a piece of style that embodies our personality and taste in fashion. A watch is a perfect accessory that every gentleman [...]

Restart Energy Adds a Member of the EU Parliament to Their Advisory Team

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Winter Apparel For Motorcycle Enthusiasts

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When the snow starts coming down, the bikers who allow winter to tame them bow their heads and wheel their bike into the shed for the rest of the season. But you’re not a regular [...]

The Monkstrap by Male Extravaganza – ORDER NOW

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Hey guys, Exciting news!! This is the day I've been waiting for since day one of Male Extravaganza. We are launching our own shoe line. Our first ever model is for GENTLEMEN: a beautifully designed [...]

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Email Course: 7 Actionable Tips To A Happy, Kind & Stylish Gentleman

Do you feel like there are so many things to change in order to become the best version of yourself? Well, this is an email course is just right for you! It’s designed to give you 7 actionable tips that you can do right away (usually takes less than 15min) to improve your self-image and feel like your going in the right direction!

I know it can be easy to get overwhelmed by a lot of information that’s why this course will be delivered over a period of 14 days, this means that you will have just about 48h to complete each exercise and become happier.

 Ready? Just give it a try, if you don’t like it you can always unsubscribe, plus it’s completely free!


Become a (Better) Gentleman in 7 Days

Join my free 7-day email course and learn what does it REALLY take to be a gentleman in this day and age. 
